
Here is a Go-To page for upcoming announcements in the trucking industry and for the show: (just tap on the article to see more)

Any images that are depicted on this website fall under our Fair Use Policy. To read our Fair Use Policy:  Click Here


Now you can listen to our show on our own radio station! You can listen here:


Have you seen this girl? Her name is Keeslyn Roberts. She is 21 yrs old now and missing from Resaca, Georgia. If you have any information about this young girl we are asking you to please contact Murray County Sheriff’s Office 706-695-4592, Gordon County Sheriff’s Office 706-629-1244, or Eric Roberts 706-226-0069, or email Julia at You may remain anonymous.

Chain Laws by State 2020

This list of 2020 state and local idling regulations could save truckers from a costly fine

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance has created a portal specifically for all of the federal mandates due to the virus. To view the portal please click below: To learn about what FMCSA events are scheduled or what events are going on in the trucking industry please click here: Events

Here are the changes to HOS that are upcoming Sept 29, 2020, in order to view a large copy to each image please click on the image and you will be taken to the FMCSA website:


Listen in by clicking play above to find out a little bit more about your host, Julia. ( Also please excuse the tone of Julia’s voice, this was her first recording and she was a bit nervous) (Just sayinnnn)…….

We are an internet radio show that talks about  the trucking industry, current events in trucking, and what every newbie truck driver needs to know. We also share how to cook in the truck, and….. quick and easy meals.

“Listen to my show to stay in the know!”

Please follow us on: iHeart Radio, ,Google Play Music and enable the “Skill” on Amazon Alexa to listen each week.  By asking “AnyPod Play Julia’s Trucking Cafe” You can also find us on Google Home Mini and Cortana by just asking, or….


(psstttt click the badge!)

If you would please take a moment and scroll down to the bottom of the website to link to our Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that would be awesome!

We thank you so much for stopping by!

Cafe Menu

Julia’s Trucking Cafe Menu

Cafe Store – Here you can find all of our merchandise that you can order for your guy or gal that really enjoys the show! Makes a GREAT holiday gift! Also new merchandise will be coming in the future.

Cooking In Your Truck Recipes and Videos– Sharing great and easy meals that you can cook in your truck. Click on the link to go to the glossary of all of the recipes I have either made or shared.

Radio Show Episodes – here you will find all of the enticing episodes that we have posted.

Archives of 2018 – If you are looking for the shows from 2018 just click on the Archive in this link.

Radio Show Notes – on this page you will find all of the links to the articles referenced in the radio show.

Stupid Things Drivers Do! – now this is darn right funny!


Please join me each week  to discuss important topics in the trucking industry.

To join me live you can……..Download Skype on your phone, it’s free, and add Julia’s Trucking Cafe to your contacts, don’t worry there doesn’t have to be a video call.

Have an idea for the show? Please use the contact form below:

Hope to see you there!