40. Drivers Drug & Alcohol Results Will Now Be In Fed Database April 1st Show

In this episode I discuss…….

Illinois State Patrol Officer killed while performing roadside inspection;

Trucker shot at truckstop after declining sex for money

DOT promises more “flexibility” in HOS rules soon

Family says truck driver was lured by phony phone called then ambushed and killed

and much more…….

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Convoy snippet by UMG on behalf of Def Jam and C.W. McCall.

Links to A Small Gesture Goes A Long Way Show

NJ $5.1 Million Worth Of Marijuana seized – Find out how NJ DOT found this amount of marijuana.

Wal-mart fined $50K for Allowing Truck Parking – find out which Wal-mart this happened to!

Recall of Freightliner Cascadias – Do you drive a Freightliner Cascadia? Yours could be on the recall list.

Daimler recalling 2019 Freightliner Cascadias for tire issue – Find out if your Cascadia is about to be recalled.

Enforcement Up On HOS of ELD  – in this article see how enforcement is up on Hours of Service violations with ELD’s.

More Leeway to Report Malfunctioning ELD – see how you or your company can request an extension of time to fix a malfunctioning ELD.

Another Driver Found Dead – Find out where…..

Nothing Like A Greedy Dispatcher – Find out a previous KLLM dispatcher took the company for a ton of money.