50. Truck of Paper Explodes at Diesel Pumps June 18th Show

In this episode I discuss……

Truckstop shooting leads to standoff with police;

A missing Fedex Driver in Alabama is found;

Troopers in Illinois engage in “Operation Bypass” crackdown;

Truck full of rolls of paper explodes at diesel pumps……and much, much more……

Click on any of the links below to listen to the show in your favor

49. A Different Way To Smoke Your Sausage June 11 Show

In this episode I discuss…….

  • Safety group renews efforts for speed limiters in trucks;
  • Troopers rescue driver after numerous calls;
  • Troopers in CA make a savory discovery under reefer trailer;
  • Washington Trucking Company teams up with troopers to bring missing children home;

and much, much more……

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If you would like to access the articles I discuss please Click Here Show Notes

Also you can find me here…….

Twitter: @JuliasTrcknCafe

You Tube Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRcrzmdf5pAeLu92NVsMI4A

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JuliasTrcknCafe/

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Convoy snippet by UMG on behalf of Def Jam and C.W. McCall.